Practice Note No. SC CL 05
REPLACED Practice Note SC CL 05 - General Case Management List
The Chief Justice, the Honourable T F Bathurst AC, on 8 May 2018, re-issued Practice Note SC CL 5 – General Case Management List.
The Practice Note commenced operation that day, and it replaced the previous Practice Note issued 5 December 2006.
An amended version is being re-issued today (18 May 2018), to delete an Annexure “A”, inadvertently added to the document at page 4.
There is no need for the annexure in this Practice Note.
As indicated previously, this Practice Note applies to Urgent Applications in civil proceedings in the Common Law Division of the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
The revised version is attached in PDF and Word version and will commence operation today, 18 May 2018.
2018_05_18_Practice Note SC CL 5 - General Case Management List.pdf 2018_05_18_Practice Note SC CL 5 - Case Management.docx