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Report on the NSW Government's Implementation of the Recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody

Appendix C

Projects detailed in the 17 Regional Action Plans will be finalised in June 1999. Some projects have been completed, and others are partially completed, and this is indicated in the following table.

Expected outcome/s
Increase community knowledge and understanding of the effects of and solutions to violence against women. Targeting issues relevant to Aboriginal women, amongst other groups.Central Coast RegionIncreased community awareness and understanding of issues relating to violence against women;
Participants informed about choosing alternatives to violence;
Use by service providers of resources on the violence against women resources register;
Community agencies involved in the NSW Strategy to Reduce Violence Against Women.
Working with local agencies, including Aboriginal agencies to:
  • Organise interactive theatre productions and ongoing education programs;
  • Develop a register of existing community education resources;
  • Establish a newsletter for the Central Coast on effects and solutions to violence against women;
  • Hold a conference focusing on reducing violence against women.
Performances to be held in May 1999;
Links established between the Department of Education’s anti violence curriculum and the theatre performances.
Identify the needs and experiences of women to inform the provision of court services in supporting victims of violence, specifically targeting Aboriginal women, amongst other groups.Central Coast RegionCourt services accessible to women in minority groupsWork with local agencies, including local Aboriginal women to hold court open days and a phone-in targeting victims of violence aiming to:
  • Identify the needs and experiences of women to inform the provision of court services in supporting victims of violence, specifically targeting Aboriginal women amongst others. Younger women and lesbians;
  • Improve information to all women about court services;
  • Improve all women’s access to court services; and
  • Improve the witness process within court proceedings.
Consultation with Aboriginal community groups, among others, to ensure input into the development of the phone-in;
Planning for the phone-in and court open days prior to June 1999.
Professional development for service providers on:
  • Appropriate responses in cases of sexual assault and family violence; and
  • Aboriginal cultural awareness.
Far West RegionBetter informed and more responsive staff dealing with sexual assault and domestic violence;
Increase in client satisfaction and fewer complaints about services and service providers;
Higher referral pick up rate and more self-referrals.
With local agencies, including Aboriginal Health Co-ordinators:
  • Form a working party;
  • Consult local agencies regarding training;
  • Design and conduct education courses on cross agency basis.
Project proceeding within agreed timelines. Planning underway.
Community education campaigns to target community attitudes that tend to condone men’s use of violence against women.Far West RegionMen more aware of their role in reducing violence against women; community less tolerant of violence against women.With local agencies, including Aboriginal Health Co-ordinator, and Department of Corrective Services Aboriginal Health Service develop a media campaign primarily directed at men.Project proceeding within agreed timelines. Planning underway.
Providing legal information and court support for Aboriginal women victims and potential victims.Far West RegionIncrease in the number of women making complaints in relation to sexual assault and domestic violence;
Increase in the number of women being represented and supported at court;
Decrease in the number of women who withdraw from court action in relation to apprehended violence orders.
Working with local services, including the Aboriginal Legal Centre, Aboriginal Women’s Legal Centre, and ATSIC to:
  • Conduct information sessions for Aboriginal women to increase their knowledge about the law in relation to domestic violence and sexual assault;
  • Develop paid or voluntary court assistance scheme at each Local Court House.
Project proceeding within agreed timelines. Planning underway.
Implement programs under Probation and Parole Service Funding Program and the NSW Health Aboriginal Health Strategy.Far West RegionReduction in violence behaviour by men.With local agencies including Aboriginal Elders and the Aboriginal Health Service:
  • Research and develop and assist Probation and Parole to implement programs for men addressing violent behaviour against women.
Project proceeding within agreed timelines. Planning underway.
Develop a model of best practice to increase access by Aboriginal women to existing services.Greater Murray RegionIncreased knowledge of factors which contribute to Aboriginal women’s access to mainstream services;
Increased service provider awareness of strategies to promote Aboriginal women’s access to services;
Increased number of Aboriginal women accessing services, changes to service provider’s policy and practice.
Work with local services and the Lands Council to:
  • Investigate service provision;
  • Develop and implement a professional development package;
  • Develop and publish the model of best practice in the Deniliquin area
Investigation of current provision of services completed;
Development of model proceeding within agreed timelines. Planning underway.
Ensuring appropriate and effective services are available for all women including Aboriginal women.Hunter RegionReduction in barriers to provision of services to Aboriginal women;
Increased percentage of Aboriginal women using government and non-government services.
Work with local agencies, including Aboriginal services to:
  • Consult with Aboriginal communities;
  • Modify policy of government and non-government agencies; and
  • Develop training for services users.
Consultation with Aboriginal communities completed;
Initial negotiations with service providers underway;
Development of resources for service providers underway.
Enhance Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women’s knowledge of and access to support services.Illawarra RegionIncreased knowledge with Aboriginal communities of support services, and increased ability of Aboriginal women to makes choices about intervention;
Increased understanding of issues faced by Aboriginal victims of violence;
Increased communication between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal service providers;
Improved level of support for women who have experienced violence;
Increased awareness and knowledge of violence issues in the Aboriginal community and increased confidence in accessing support services;
Increased knowledge of Aboriginal women on issues of violence and improved confidence in accessing support services.
Work with local Aboriginal Groups and the Lands Councils to:
  • Develop culturally appropriate pamphlet;
  • Hold inter-agency forum for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal service providers;
  • Develop training for female members of the local Aboriginal community to enable them to become key resource people on issues of violence against women;
  • Establish an Aboriginal Women’s Support Group.
Design of leaflet completed, in consultation with Aboriginal communities;
Inter-agency forum completed;
Training to be held in February 1999.
Develop and implement prevention strategies aimed to reduce the level of violence against Aboriginal Women and increase the level of reporting.Macquarie RegionIncreased number of Aboriginal women reporting violence and taking up level avenues;
Culturally sensitive and appropriate community education developed.
Work with local services and groups including Aboriginal groups to:
  • Audit existing community education strategies;
  • Develop, pilot and evaluate a program of community education targeting Aboriginal men
Project proceeding within agreed timelines. Planning underway.
Develop prevention strategies for violence against women living in remote and isolated areas, including Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities.Macquarie RegionIncreased knowledge regarding prevention strategies for violence against women.Work with local agencies, including local Aboriginal groups to:
  • Hold a conference on violence against women with a prevention focus;
  • Establish an ongoing e-mail dialogue with academics working in the area of prevention of violence against women.
Conference held, and proceedings of conference are currently being finalised.
Improve Aboriginal women’s access to services and increase Aboriginal women’s knowledge and awareness and capacity to respond to violence.Mid North Coast RegionIncreased use of support services by Aboriginal women, enhanced linkages between service providers;
Enhanced understanding of issues of violence against women.
Work with a range of agencies and groups, including local Aboriginal groups to:
  • Provide information to Aboriginal women about support services in the local area;
  • Hold community forums on violence, family issues and workshops with Aboriginal women;
  • Provide information to services on violence against Aboriginal women.
Project proceeding within agreed timelines. Planning underway.
Enhance partnerships between the NSW Police Service and key service providers who work with Aboriginal women, women with intellectual disabilities and farm women.New England RegionIncreased number of incidents where police respond to Aboriginal women (and other target groups) who experience violence.Work with local groups and agencies including Aboriginal Health Service to:
  • Conduct a series of forums to provide information to the police about the special needs of Aboriginal women (and other target groups);
  • Highlight the availability of support services for women.
Five focus groups held with local Aboriginal communities;
Three of the four planned forums have occurred with the NSW Police Service;
Referral list of local agencies currently being developed.
Create opportunities for consultation with the Aboriginal community regarding the incidence of violence against Aboriginal women and explore culturally appropriate solutions and strategies.New England RegionImplementing solutions to violence against women in Aboriginal communities, as developed by the Violence Against Aboriginal Women Forum.Work with local agencies, including Aboriginal Health Service to:
  • Conduct a forum with Aboriginal service providers to identify solution to violence against Aboriginal women.
Consultation with Aboriginal communities completed;
Women’s Business Day held in Tamworth,
Possibility of holding similar Women’s Business Days in other town being investigated.
Increase opportunities for Aboriginal community members to participate in development of appropriate structural, inter-agency and service delivery responses.Northern Rivers RegionIncreased provision of culturally appropriate services;
Increased participation of Aboriginal people in the negotiation of appropriate response;
Increased understanding of structural issues contributing to violence.
Work with Aboriginal agencies and groups to encourage their input into the development of appropriate responses which address violence particularly:
  • Development of programs for men;
  • Development of safe spaces for women;
  • Improved interaction with police and local courts;
  • Development of community education aimed at preventing and responding to violence.
Project proceeding within agreed timelines. Planning underway.
Improve Aboriginal women’s access to services.South Western Sydney RegionIncrease level of participation, input and satisfaction of Aboriginal workers in the field;
Increase use of services by Aboriginal women.
Work with local Aboriginal communities to:
  • Improve the exchange of information with Aboriginal communities and service providers to identify barriers to access to generalist services by Aboriginal women;
  • Encourage the creation of a regional “Women’s Business” group to discuss appropriate service delivery.
Provision of information and on violence against Aboriginal women and consultations are partially completed, with the Regional Specialist visiting existing Aboriginal women’s groups and the Aboriginal Women’s Camp;
As result of this work there is increased representation of Aboriginal Women on the Regional Reference Group.
Improved inter-agency response to women who have experienced violence, targeting a number of groups, including Aboriginal women.South Western Sydney RegionImproved service for women from specified target groups, including Aboriginal women.Work with a range of relevant agencies and groups to:
  • Develop model of best practice for services;
  • Develop and distribute newsletters;
  • Promote and organise relevant training for service providers.
Model of Best Practice is in initial draft form, after consultation with range of organisations and individuals.
Anti-violence against Koori women and children.Southern RegionAboriginal women working together in response to violence against women in their local communities to:
  • Increase awareness amongst Aboriginal women about services;
  • Increase awareness amongst Aboriginal men about violence against women in the communities;
  • Increase options for Aboriginal women and children escaping violence in Eden area.
Work with Aboriginal women in the south east coast of NSW to:
  • Address violence against women, establish communication tools;
  • Provide information to Aboriginal men about the violence against women;
  • Explore possibilities to establish a safe house in Eden.
Consultations with Aboriginal women on the south east coast completed;
Three issues of the Aboriginal Women’s Newsletter developed and distributed;
Development of a submission with local Aboriginal communities and agencies to the Aboriginal Family Health Strategy for the establishment of a safe house in the Eden area.
Develop culturally appropriate information strategies for Aboriginal women on issues of violence.Wentworth and Western Sydney RegionAboriginal women and the broader Aboriginal community have access to culturally appropriate information.Work with local Aboriginal community workers to:
  • Develop and distribute information on violence against women, targeting Aboriginal women.
Four arts workshops held pamphlets printed and successful launch held September 1998;
Information stalls held at NAIDOC week 1998.
Develop a discussion paper on a Safe House for Aboriginal women experiencing family violence.Wentworth and Western Sydney RegionEstablish the need for and model of a safe house for Aboriginal women experiencing family violence.Consult Aboriginal workers, Elders and women’s groups to:
  • Develop a discussion paper and seek support for the discussion paper from Aboriginal organisations.
Initial consultation completed; workshops with local Aboriginal communities will be held in early 1999;
Discussion paper developed by June 1999.


Introduction | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Overview | Preventing Deaths in Custody
Preventing Incarceration | Addressing Underlying Disadvantages | Appendix A | Appendix B
Appendix C | Appendix D

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most recently updated 20 August 1999