legislation and policy

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National Competition Policy Review of the Professional Standards Act 1994

Appendix A - Schemes currently in force under the Professional Standards Act

Scheme Name
Cap and Minimum Cover
All Members or Class?Exemptions Granted?
Accountants SchemeCap: $50m
Minimum cover: $0.5m. For engagements with fees above $50,000, the applicable amount is 10 times the fee.
Solicitors SchemeCap: $50m
Minimum cover: $1.5m. Applicable amount calculated based on firm size at $0.5m per partner up to $10m, or a higher amount if pre-selected.
Investigative and Remedial Engineers SchemeCap: $3m. A cap of $1m applies for a specified kind of work.
Minimum cover: $0.5m. Minimum amount applies unless a higher amount pre-selected.
Professional Surveyors SchemeCap: $1m
Minimum cover: $0.5m. Applicable amount based on pre-selected figure.

* Clause 2.4 of the Solicitors Scheme provides that a person may, on application by the person, be exempted from the Scheme by the Law Society Council.

Text only version of TABLE:

1. Scheme Name
Accountants Scheme
Cap and Minimum Cover
Cap: $50m
Minimum cover: $0.5m. For engagements with fees above $50,000, the applicable amount is 10 times the fee.
All Members or Class?
Exemptions Granted?

2. Scheme Name
Solicitors Scheme
Cap and Minimum Cover
Cap: $50m
Minimum cover: $1.5m. Applicable amount calculated based on firm size at $0.5m per partner up to $10m, or a higher amount if pre-selected.
All Members or Class?
Exemptions Granted?

3. Scheme Name
Investigative and Remedial Engineers Scheme
Cap and Minimum Cover
Cap: $50m
Minimum cover: $1.5m. Applicable amount calculated based on firm size at $0.5m per partner up to $10m, or a higher amount if pre-selected.
All Members or Class?
Exemptions Granted?

4. Scheme Name
Professional Surveyors Scheme
Cap and Minimum Cover
Cap: $1m
Minimum cover: $0.5m. Applicable amount based on pre-selected figure.
All Members or Class?
Exemptions Granted?

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most recently updated 25 June 2001