Corporate and Government Lawyers: Notification to the Legal Profession Admission Board
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  Corporate and Government Lawyers:

  Notification to the Legal Profession Admission Board
  under clause 21(2) of the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Regulation 2015

  All fields marked with asterisks (*) are mandatory.


*Given names
*Email address
Postal address line 1
Postal address line 2
Postal address line 3
*Contact Numbers
  Daytime number (with area code)
e.g. 02 12345678, 02 1234 5678
  Mobile number
e.g. 0412345678, 0412 345 678


*Do you have an academic qualification in law which required the equivalent of at least 3 years' full-time study of law?


*In which year did you complete your academic qualification in law?


*Did you obtain your academic qualification in law in Australia?



*Are you currently employed in New South Wales as a corporate lawyer or a government lawyer?


*Since when have you been continuously employed in that role (approximately)?

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*What is the name of your current employer organisation?


Please briefly describe the general nature of the duties of your current role.


*For how many years in total have you been employed in any similar roles, with your current and/or any other employers?



*Do you intend to be employed as a corporate or government lawyer in either New South Wales or Victoria after 1 July 2018?


*Are you currently registered or authorised to engage in legal practice in a foreign country by the foreign registration authority for that country?


*How did you know to notify the LPAB?

After you submit the form, a copy of your answers will be sent to your email address.


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