Health and Pest Authorities Salaries and Conditions Award
Application by Public
Service Association and Professional Officers' Association Amalgamated Union of
New South Wales, Industrial Organisation of Employees.
(No. IRC 220 of 2011)
Before The Honourable
Mr Justice Staff
17 March 2011
1. Insert in
clause 1, Arrangement of the award, published 31 July 2009 (368 I.G. 964), the
following new clause number and subject matter:
13A. Leave for
Matters Arising from Domestic Violence
2. Insert after
subclause 2.22, of clause 2 Definitions, the following new subclause:
2.23 Domestic Violence
means domestic violence as defined in the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence)
Act 2007.
3. Insert after
subclause 13.6 of clause 13 Special Leave, the following new subclause:
13.7 Matters arising
from domestic violence situations.
When the leave entitlements referred to in clause 13A.2
Leave for Matters Arising From Domestic Violence have been exhausted, the Board
shall grant up to five days per calendar year to be used for absences from the
workplace to attend to matters arising from domestic violence situations.
4. Insert after
clause 13, Special Leave, the following new clause:
13A. Leave for
Matters Arising from Domestic Violence
13A.1 The definition of
domestic violence is found in clause 2.24, of clause 2 Definitions, of this
13A.2 Leave entitlements
provided for in clause 15A State Personal and Carer’s Leave Case and clause 15,
Sick Leave, may be used by employees experiencing domestic violence;
13A.3 Where the leave
entitlements referred to in subclause 13A.2 are exhausted, the Board shall
grant Special Leave as per subclause 13.7;
13A.4 The Board will
need to be satisfied, on reasonable grounds, that domestic violence has
occurred and may require proof presented in the form of an agreed document
issued by the Police Force, a Court, a Doctor, a Domestic Violence Support
Service or Lawyer;
13A.5 Personal
information concerning domestic violence will be kept confidential by the
13A.6 The Board where
appropriate, may facilitate flexible working arrangements subject to
operational requirements, including changes to working times and changes to work
location, telephone number and email address.
5. This variation
shall take effect on and from 15 February 2011.
Printed by
the authority of the Industrial Registrar.