Employees (Department of Environment and Climate Change - Parks and Wildlife
Group) Conditions of Employment Award
Application by Director
of Public Employment.
(No. IRC 765 of 2011)
Before The Honourable
Justice Walton, Vice-President
18 July 2011
1. Delete the
definition "Department" and "Director General" in clause 3,
Definitions, of the award published 8 February 2008 (364 I.G. 867) and insert
in lieu thereof the following:
"Department" means, from 4 April 2011, the
Office of Environment and Heritage within the Department of Premier and Cabinet
(which was established following the abolition of the Department of
Environment, Climate Change and Water) as a result of the Public Sector
(Employment and Management) Departments Order 2011.
"Director General" means "Chief
Executive of the Office of Environment and Heritage".
2. Delete
paragraph 14.2.2 of clause 14, Hours of Work, and insert in lieu thereof the
14.2.2 Defining Monday to
Friday Workers
(i) A Review
Committee will be established for each National Parks and Wildlife Service region
for the purpose of determining the number, if any, of positions to be
reclassified from Seven Day Roster positions to Monday to Friday Day positions
in each region based on principles agreed between the parties including
operational needs.
(ii) Following the
original determination in 14.2.2(i) above, the Review Committees will meet to
review that determination within 12 months.
(iii) Subsequent to
the review in 14.2.2(ii) above, any further changes will be the subject of
consultation between the local delegate and manager based on operational needs.
(iv) New employee(s)
will be offered a Monday to Friday Roster position if a vacancy exists in this
category as determined in clause 14.2.2 (i) and (iii).
(v) Disputes arising
from the process will be dealt with pursuant to clause 42, Industrial Grievance
14.2.3 Conversion from
Monday to Friday to Seven Day Roster Worker
(i) The
determination of a position being reclassified from Monday to Friday to a Seven
Day Roster position will be made by the Department on the basis that:
(a) Where an
employee employed in a Monday to Friday position performs work on more than:
23 weekend days and/or public holidays (total) annually
in the case of employees who receive a 17% loading; or
11 weekend days and/or public holiday (total) annually
in the case of employees who receive an 8.5% loading,
the employee will have the option of choosing to remain
a Monday to Friday Day Worker or make a claim to the Department to have the position converted to a Seven
Day Roster Worker position that attracts the loading; or
(b) By agreement
between the local manager and delegate, a Monday to Friday Day position is
converted to a Seven Day Roster position.
(ii) Nothing in
this clause is intended to derogate from the rights of employees’ opt in/opt
out rights in clause 14.2.5 below.
14.2.4 Seven Day Roster
(i) Seven Day
roster worker is the default category of employment for the classifications
listed in subclause 14.2.4(ii) except where subclauses 14.2.2 or 14.2.3 apply.
(ii) Seven day
roster workers include the following classifications; Rangers, Senior Rangers,
Assistant District Managers, Field Officers, Senior Field Officers, Field
Supervisors and Senior Field Supervisors.
This list is not exhaustive. Identification of additional positions will
be done in consultation with the union.
(iii) This provision
will also relate to specifically identified positions where the working of a
seven day operation is necessary for the efficient and effective operation of
the position. Identification of positions that are to be designated seven day
roster workers will be done in consultation with the union.
(iv) Seven Day
Roster Worker employees who were employed prior to 30 August 2010 and who
receive the relevant loading under the Award will continue to be entitled to
the loading until the employee chooses to opt out and their proposal is agreed
to by the local manager pursuant to clause 14.2.5. Current Employees will retain the loading should they transfer or
win a promotion to another position as defined in the default employment
(v) Ordinary hours
for officers specified in subclauses 14.2.4(ii) and 14.2.4 (iii) are to be
worked from Monday to Sunday (inclusive) within the bandwidth of 6:00a.m. to
8:00p.m., unless otherwise agreed to between the Department and the officer
(vi) Officers
working this pattern of hours are to have at least two consecutive full days
off per week, unless otherwise agreed to between the Department and the officer
(vii) Officers shall
not be rostered to work more than two consecutive weekends (i.e. Saturday and
Sunday), unless the officer agrees to do so.
(viii) A loading of
17% of annual base salary is payable to Rangers, Field Officers and Senior
Field Officers for working up to a maximum of 45 combined weekend days (i.e.
Saturdays and Sundays) and 5 Public Holidays and is paid in lieu of all other
penalty rates.
(ix) A loading of
8.5% of annual base salary is payable to Senior Rangers, Assistant District
Managers, Field Supervisors and Senior Field Supervisors for working up to a
maximum of 22 combined weekend days (i.e. Saturdays and Sundays), and 3 Public
Holidays and is paid in lieu of all other penalty rates.
(x) If an officer
agrees to work more than the maximum specified in subclauses (viii) or (ix) of
this clause, no additional payments or day in lieu shall be made.
(xi) Officers
referred to in subclauses (viii) or (ix) of this clause who are directed to
work more weekend days and public holidays than those prescribed for their
position, will be paid penalty rates as follows:
Table 3
a 50% loading for each additional day worked
a 75% loading for each additional day worked
Public Holidays
a 150% loading for each additional day worked
(xii) The loading
specified in subclauses (viii) and (ix) of this clause will be paid for the
purposes of superannuation and all paid leave, other than where such leave is
for a period of over 3 months.
14.2.5 Opt Out and Opt In
(i) Where Seven Day
Roster employees choose not to be rostered in accordance with Seven Day Roster
provisions in the Award and where management can manage the locations concerned
without these employees being on the Seven Day Roster, then such employees may
opt out of being on a Seven Day Roster subject to:
(a) clause 14.2.2
being satisfied; and
(b) with written
approval from the Department.
(ii) Prior to
externally advertising a vacant Seven Day Roster position of the same
classification that attracts the loading, the position will:
In the first instance, be offered to employees from the
same Area or Unit that have previously opted out of their entitlement to the
If no employees that have previously opted out accept
the offer to opt back in, the position will be offered to employees that are
Monday to Friday workers in the same Area or Unit as a result of new
3. Renumber the
existing paragraph 14.2.3 of clause 14 to read as 14.2.6.
4. Insert after
subclause 15.5 of clause 15, Variation of Hours, the following new subclause
15.6 In respect of
Hazard Reduction Burns, there is a period of two months in each calendar year
where the daily bandwidth of hours will be 6:00am to 10:00pm for the Award
classifications that are covered by the Set Patterns of Hours clause (clause
14.3). The Regional Manager in
consultation with the local delegates will determine the designated period or 2
periods each year to be worked under this agreed arrangement. Such employees
during the designated period/s, may be called upon to work on Hazard Reduction
Burns on 24 hours notice without the payment of the additional 25% loading
5. Delete clause
26, Family and Community Service Leave, and insert in lieu thereof the
26. Family and
Community Service Leave
26.1 Family and
Community Service Leave for officers covered by this award shall accrue and be
granted in accordance with clause 71 of the Crown Employees (Public Service
Conditions of Employment) Award 2009 or any successor instrument to that Award
howsoever named and as varied from time to time.
6. Delete throughout
the award "Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment)
Reviewed Award 2006" and insert in lieu thereof the following:
"Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of
Employment) Award 2009".
7. This variation
is to take effect from 1 July 2011.
J. WALTON J , Vice-President
Printed by
the authority of the Industrial Registrar.