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New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission
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Skilled Trades Staff - Department of Family and Community Services - Ageing, Disability and Home Care (State) Award 2015
Page No.2022
DescriptionAIRC - Award of Industrial Relations Commission
Publication No.C8404
Award Code 1598  
Date Posted08/11/2015

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Skilled Trades Staff - Department of Family and Community Services - Ageing, Disability and Home Care (State) Award 2015




Application by Department of Family and Community Services.


(No. IRC 506 of 2015)


Before The Honourable Justice Walton, President

3 August 2015






1.         Arrangement




Clause No.         Subject Matter


1.         Arrangement

2.         Definitions

3.         Interaction with Other Instruments

4.         Hours of Work

5.         Classification Structure

6.         Roll-Up of Allowances

7.         Boiler Attendant Allowance

8.         Thermostatic Mixing Valve Allowance

9.         Dispute Resolution Procedure

10.       Union Subscriptions

11.       Wages and Allowances

12.       School Based Apprentices

13.       Work at Alternative Worksite

14.       Average Disability Allowance

15.       Anti Discrimination

16.       Area, Incidence and Duration

17.       No Extra Claims




Schedules of Rates of Wages and Allowances


2.         Definitions


In this award:


"Department" means Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) within the Department of Family and Community Services


"Union/s" means:


Australian Manufacturing Workers Union and/or


Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union and/or


Electrical Trades Union of Australia and/or


Plumbing Trades Employees Union of NSW


3.         Interaction With Other Instruments


All employee conditions not specified in this award will be in accordance with the Crown Employees Skilled Trades Award, the Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 and Public Sector Employment and Management Regulation 2009.  To the extent of any inconsistency between the provisions of this award and those other instruments named above, the provisions of this award will apply.


4.         Hours of Work


(i)         Local Departmental management and trades staff at each work site may negotiate specific ordinary hours of duty.  Any such site agreement will be subject to the following conditions:


(a)        an average of 38 hours per week worked over a four-week period;


(b)        optimal staffing levels being maintained at all times to perform required duties;


(c)        no additional expense such as payment of overtime or employment of casuals;


(d)        where a nine-day fortnight is negotiated, arrangements are to be at the Department’s convenience;


(e)        if sick leave is taken on the working day prior to or following a rostered day off, a doctor’s certificate must be provided; and


(f)        alterations in start and finish times are to be implemented by agreement.


(ii)        The parties agree to commence negotiations on any proposed variation to existing hours of work within six weeks of the proposal being received from nominated representatives.


(iii)       An employee may be directed by Departmental management to work overtime, provided it is reasonable for the employee to be required to do so.  In determining what is reasonable, the employee’s prior commitments outside the workplace, particularly their family responsibilities, community obligations or study arrangements, shall be taken into account.  Consideration shall be given also to the urgency of the work required to be performed during overtime, the impact on the operational commitments of the organisation and the effect on client services.


5.         Classification Structure


(i)         Context:


Trades staff perform, both on a planned and emergency basis, a variety of manual and technical tasks related to preventative and corrective maintenance, the installation of plant and equipment and the renovation and construction of buildings.


Trades staff also ordinarily undertake work which is peripheral and incidental to their base trade so as to complete the whole job or so as to assist other staff complete the whole job.


This Classification structure is designed to reward trades staff who possess, and are required by the Region to regularly provide, skills/knowledge beyond their base trade obligations. It does not reward service alone nor additional skill/knowledge performed at less than a trades standard.


(ii)        Structure:


The following classifications apply:


Pay levels as a percentage of base pay rates are:



Rate of Pay

Level 1 Tradesperson

Base Rate for relevant Trade

Level 2 Tradesperson

105% of Base Rate for relevant Trade

Level 3 Tradesperson

110% of Base Rate for relevant Trade

Level 4 Tradesperson

115% of Base Rate for relevant Trade


(iii)       Definitions of the Classification Levels are as follows:


(a)        Level 1 Tradesperson (Base Rate for relevant Trade).


Level 1 is applicable to a tradesperson who has completed an apprenticeship, licence or equivalent and is proficient in the contemporary skills required of a tradesperson in the relevant trade.


Tasks to be performed include those peripheral and incidental to completing the whole job and/or assisting other staff so as to complete the whole job. A tradesperson at this level may be required to supervise or train apprentices on the job.


(b)        Level 2 Tradesperson (105% of the Base Rate for the relevant Trade).


Level 2 is applicable to a tradesperson who satisfies the requirements of Level 1 and who is required by the employer to regularly utilise skills/knowledge, additional to that skill/knowledge associated with the individual’s base trade, which is gained from or deemed equivalent to that gained from completing 120 hours of learning within approved courses.


(c)        Level 3 Tradesperson (110% of the Base Rate for the relevant Trade).


Level 3 is applicable to a tradesperson who satisfies the requirements of Level 1 and who is required by the employer to regularly utilise skills/knowledge, additional to that skill/knowledge associated with the individual’s base trade, which is gained from or deemed equivalent to that gained from completing 240 hours of learning within approved courses.


(d)        Level 4 Tradesperson (115% of the Base Rate for the relevant Trade).


Level 4 is applicable to a tradesperson who satisfies the requirements of Level 1 and who is required by the employer to regularly utilise skills/knowledge, additional to that skill/knowledge associated with the individual’s base trade, which is gained from or deemed equivalent to that gained from completing 360 hours of learning within approved courses.


(e)        Charge Hand/Supervisor


A Charge Hand/Supervisor is a person appointed to a Charge Hand/Supervisor position by the Department. Charge Hand/Supervisor positions will be created at the discretion of the Department. A Charge Hand/Supervisor will be allocated ongoing responsibility for the activities of one trade and/or the supervision of one or more trades and its associated staff (including contractors) within the Region and/or all the trades activities and trades staff (including contractors) at a nominated location. A Charge Hand/Supervisor can be required to perform the duties of their trade/s at any time. A Charge Hand/Supervisor may also be nominated as Project Leader on any project in addition to their other responsibilities. The Region is to maintain an up-to-date Position Description for each of its Charge Hand/Supervisor positions.


(f)        Project Leader


A Project Leader is a person appointed to a Project Leader position by the Department. Project Leader positions will be created at the discretion of the Department. A Project Leader will be allocated responsibility for all aspects of a substantial refurbishment/construction project. The Project Leader will be able to supervise any staff/contractors working in connection with a project as necessary and will ensure compliance with all relevant specifications and requirements. A Project Leader can be required to perform the duties of their trade/s at any time. The duration of any Project Leader role will be limited to the life of the project. The Region is to provide the Project Leader with an up-to-date Position Description.


(iv)       Approved Courses:


For the purpose of this Clause, ‘Approved Courses’ are TAFE courses and any others that the Department approves. However an Approved Course must relate to the acquisition of new skills/knowledge by the individual, additional to the base trade, and not simply the modernisation or updating of current work practices or methods. Approved Courses will not include personal Workplace Health and Safety related courses, updated inventory or programmed maintenance systems courses, new computer software etc.


(v)        Deemed Credited with Approved Course or part thereof:


For Tradespersons who have not successfully completed an Approved Course; The Regional Director or nominee may deem the additional skills/knowledge required to be regularly utilised by a tradesperson to be equivalent to that acquired from successfully undertaking an Approved Course/s or from one or more identifiable modules of an Approved Course. Any such decision requires that the tradesperson in question be credited with hours equivalent to that of the relevant Approved Course/s or modules thereof for progression purposes.


(vi)       Regular:


‘Regular’ for the purposes of this Clause refers to duties/tasks occurring periodically, routinely or which are programmed. Project work and other work occurring randomly, sporadically or irregularly would not be ‘regular’. Where tasks are required to be performed irregularly but would, if they were regular, attract a higher classification level, then ‘Mixed Functions’ allowance should be paid to the higher classification level in accordance with the award. That is, when a Tradesperson is required to perform the additional work irregularly and is qualified to do so, he/she should be paid any applicable higher rate for the period of time the additional skills/knowledge is required to be performed or for the whole shift in accordance with the Mixed Functions Clause of the Crown Employees Skilled Trades Award.


(vii)      Trades Standard:


‘Trades Standard’ for the purposes of this Clause means a quality of work/knowledge equivalent to that reasonably required of a qualified tradesperson in the relevant trade.


(viii)     No Double Counting:


The performance of any function reasonably within the scope of employment classification, and/or additional skills performed at less than a trades standard and/or for which payment of an allowance or additional remuneration is already provided do not count for translation, appointment or progression purposes.


(ix)       The Department to Decide its Requirements:


The Department is to decide which and how many trades staff will be regularly required to use the additional skills/knowledge attracting higher rates of pay.  In reaching that decision the Department might consider;


- what number of staff are needed to utilise the additional skill/knowledge.


- whether a trades staff is already paid for numerous additional skills/knowledge, in which there may be limited opportunity to effectively utilise one more additional skill/knowledge.


- whether the work should be contracted out. Before deciding the work should be contracted out, the Region is to consider the skills/knowledge possessed by trades staff in addition to their base trades. To this end, a list of such additional skills/knowledge is to be maintained by the Region in a state of reasonable currency, subject to employee cooperation and assistance in compiling and maintaining that list.


(x)        Maintaining Standards:


Tradespersons at classification levels 2 ,3 and 4 are responsible for maintaining the additional skills/ knowledge to a standard equivalent to that of having successfully undertaken a current approved course/s (or in some cases, the modules thereof they were deemed credited with) in order to continue to be paid the higher classification level.


(xi)       Leading Hand Allowance:


Leading Hand Allowance will be paid to Tradespersons in the classifications Levels 1 to 4 inclusive who are required to supervise the work of contractors and/or staff; provided that for this purpose, apprentices will not be counted, each contractor supervised will be counted but any contractor’s staff will not.


(xii)      Appointment and Progression:


The employment level for all new tradespersons employed will be determined as per the provisions of Clause 5 of this Award.


(a)        Appointment: Once appointed to a particular Level in this Classification Structure, a tradesperson may not have his/her Level reduced because the Region no longer requires the additional skills/knowledge warranting the higher Level to be regularly utilised. Accordingly appointments of trades staff should initially be made to the Level 1 position, or at least be carefully considered having regard to the foreseeable medium to longer term requirements of the appointment.


(b)        Progression: Consideration of progression to Classification Levels 2, 3 and 4 must always be based on a Departmental requirement to utilise the additional skills/knowledge at that time and into the foreseeable future and may not count skills/knowledge no longer regularly required by the Department to be utilised.


(xiii)     Training:


Trades staff are to meet the costs of training associated with the additional skills/knowledge referred to in this Clause and attend that training in their own time. Study Leave provisions apply. Where the Department directs the employee undertake training, any such training outside of paid work time will be paid for at the ordinary hourly base rate.


6.         Roll-Up of Allowances


Environmental Allowance (Mental Institutions Allowance) and Annual Leave Loading are already rolled up into the base wage.


Base wage rates were increased by $30.00 per week to incorporate the equivalent of the Mental Institutions Allowance and were wages increased by 1.35% to reflect the Annual Leave Loading on 1 February 1998.


7.         Boiler Attendant Allowance


An officer being the possessor of a Boiler Attendant’s Certificate who is required to supervise or operate a boiler shall for each week he/she is so required shall be paid in addition to the rates prescribed an amount per instance as specified in Part B of this Award.


8.         Thermostatic Mixing Valve Allowance


An officer who is a licensed plumber and holds a Thermostatic Mixing Valve Certificate issued by a College of Technical and Further Education and is required to act upon such certificate shall be paid an allowance at a weekly rate as specified in Part B of this award.


9.         Dispute Resolution Procedures


(i)         The aim of the procedure is to ensure that industrial grievances or disputes are prevented, or resolved as quickly as possible, at the level they occur in the workplace.  For the purposes of this procedure, industrial grievances or disputes are distinguished from grievances dealt with under public service grievance-handling procedure, e.g. complaints of discrimination.


(ii)        When a dispute or grievance arises, or is considered likely to occur, the following steps are to be followed:


(a)        where a dispute arises at a particular work location, discussions shall be held between the officer/s concerned and the immediate supervising officer;


(b)        failing resolution of the issues at that level, further discussions shall take place between the employee, the relevant local delegate or employee representative and the supervising officer or manager;


(c)        if the dispute remains unresolved, the local delegate shall refer the matter to the Union official who will confer with the Area Manager or General Manager; and


(d)        if the dispute is not resolved at that stage, the matter is to be referred to the Director, Employee Relations or Senior Employee Relations Officer who will assume responsibility for liaising with Senior Executive members of the Department and advise of their final position.


(iii)       If the matter remains unresolved following the above process, it may be referred by either party to the Industrial Registrar.


(iv)       Whilst these procedures are taking place, no ban, limitation or stoppage of work shall take place.


(v)        In cases where a dispute is premised on an issue of safety and is unable to be resolved at the Area/Divisional level, the matter should be referred to the Director, Employee Relations for further consultation with the Union/s.


10.       Union Subscriptions


The Department agrees to automatically deduct Union dues on behalf of Unions as defined from the pay of Union members once authorised by the employee.


11.       Wages and Allowances


Wages and allowances are shown in Part B of this award.


12.       School Based Apprentices


(a)        Definition


A school based apprentice is an employee who is undertaking an apprenticeship under a training contract while also enrolled in the Higher School Certificate.


(b)        Wages


(i)         The hourly rates for full time apprentices as set out in this Award shall apply to school based apprentices for total hours worked including time deemed to be spent in off-the-job training.


(ii)        For the purposes of subclause (b)(i) of this clause, where a school based apprentice is a full time school student, the time spent in off the job training for which the school based apprentice is paid is deemed to be 25 per cent of the actual hours worked on the job each week.


(iii)       The wages paid for training time may be averaged over the school term or year.


(iv)       Where this Award specifies a weekly rate for full time apprentices, the hourly rate shall be calculated by dividing the applicable weekly rate by 38.


(c)        Progression through the Wage Structure


(i)         School based apprentices progress through the wage scale at the rate of 12 months’ progression for each two years of employment as an apprentice.


(ii)        The rates of pay are based on a standard apprenticeship of four years. The rate of progression reflects the average rate of skill acquisition expected from the typical combination of work and training for a school based apprentice undertaking the applicable apprenticeship.


(d)        Conversion from a school based apprentice to a full time apprenticeship


Where an apprentice converts from a school based to a full-time apprenticeship, all time spent as a full-time apprentice counts for the purpose of progression through the wage scale set out in this Award. This progression applies in addition to the progression achieved as a school based apprentice.


(e)        Conditions of Employment


Except as provided by this clause, school based apprentices are entitled to pro rata entitlements of all other conditions of employment contained in this Award.


13.       Work at Alternative Worksite


(i)         General


(a)        The terms of this clause replace clause 8, Excess Fares and Travelling, of the Crown Employees Skilled Trades Award.


(b)        This clause does not apply where an employee is recalled to duty after leaving work, in which case the call-back provisions of the Crown Employees Skilled Trades Staff Award apply.


(c)        For the purposes of this clause, a reference to a "worksite" means each individual sub-site of Metro Residences and Hunters Residences, including but not limited to Rydalmere, Marsden, Casuarina Grove, Norton Road, Stockton, Kanangra, Tomaree, Riverside and Summer Hill .


(ii)        Mobility Allowance and Excess Travelling Time


Where an employee is required to travel to an alternative worksite and has not been temporarily transferred to that site pursuant to subclause (v) of this clause:


(a)        An employee is to be paid a Mobility Allowance at the rate indicated in Part B of this award per day where required by the Department to travel to an alternative worksite in circumstances where no notice of the requirement to do so was provided prior to leaving work the previous day.  Such Mobility Allowance will be payable regardless of whether the required travel is undertaken within or outside of ordinary working hours and regardless of the transportation arrangements utilised to attend the alternative worksite.


(b)        Notice of a regular requirement to travel to an alternative worksite can be given to the employee once.  Such notice must be written and include advice as to the days of the week/fortnight/month. etc., that the travel will be required.  Notice given pursuant to this paragraph also serves as notice "prior to leaving work the previous day" referred to in paragraph (a) of this subclause.


(c)        Where an employee is required to commence his/her ordinary hours at an alternative worksite, he/she is to be paid at ordinary rates for any travelling time in excess of that time usually taken to travel to and from their home and usual worksite. The payment of such ordinary rates is to be rounded to the nearest 15 minutes.


(iii)       Mileage Allowances and Fares.


Where an employee is required to travel to an alternative worksite and has not been temporarily transferred to that site pursuant to subclause (v) of this clause:


(a)        And subject to the provisions of paragraph (d) of this subclause, an employee will be paid Mileage Allowance at the following rates where directed by the Department to utilise their own vehicle in order to travel to and from an alternative worksite;


Engine Capacity


Over 2601cc and over

75.9c per kilometre

1601cc - 2600cc

74.0c per kilometre

Under 1600cc or less

63.0c per kilometre


(b)        And subject to the provisions of paragraph (d) of this subclause, an employee will be paid Mileage Allowance at the following rates where the employee opts to utilise their own vehicle to travel to and from an alternative worksite and the Department agrees to that occurring prior to the employee utilising their own vehicle;


Engine Capacity


Over 2601cc and over

30.0c per kilometre

1601cc to 2600cc

29.6c per kilometre

Under 1600cc or less

25.2c per kilometre


(c)        And subject to the provisions of paragraph (d) of this subclause, an employee who utilises public transport in order to travel to and from an alternative worksite will be reimbursed any public transport costs.


(d)        Where the use of the employee's vehicle or fare incurred relates to the journey between the employee's home and the alternative worksite to commence work or relates to the journey between the alternative worksite and the employee's home at the cessation of work, the amount of Mileage Allowance or fares which can be claimed under this subclause will be limited to that number of kilometres or fare which is in excess of that reasonably incurred by the employee in relation to the journey to and from the employee's home and usual worksite.


(iv)       Rest Periods, Tea Breaks and Unpaid Meal Periods


If still working at an alternative worksite at the relevant time and, unless specifically advised otherwise:


(a)        An employee is to take any paid rest period or tea break at the alternative site.


(b)        Employees may not travel to the usual worksite in Departmental time or in a Departmental vehicle in connection with the unpaid meal period.


(c)        Nothing will be payable to an employee in relation to the use of the employee's vehicle or fare incurred in connection with the unpaid meal period.


(v)        Temporary Transfer to Alternative Worksite


An employee may be directed to work from an alternative worksite for one week or more on a temporary transfer basis where that direction is reasonable.  For the purposes of subclauses (ii) and (iii) of this clause, where such a direction has been given, the alternative worksite will be deemed to be the usual worksite upon the expiry of two weeks' notice or immediately upon commencement at the alternative worksite where two weeks' or more notice was given.


14.       Average Disability Allowance


(i)         Many of the allowances within PART B - Rates of Wages and Allowances of this Award are disability allowances paid on a per occasion, per hour or daily basis depending upon the work performed.  The allowances in question relate to:


177 Welding


178 Bricklaying > 18 kg


179 confined spaces


180 height


181 hot places


182 insulation


183 asbestos eradication/airborne Lead


184 smoke boxes A


185 wet places


186 acid furnaces


187 smoke boxes B


188 clean down bricks


189 spray application


190 roof work


191 explosive power tools


193 dirty work


214 applying obnoxious substances


289 legionella


171 fouled equipment


176 pneumatic tool operation


152 chokages


(ii)        Some or all of these above allowances may be the subject of a mutual agreement between individual trades staff and the Region (in writing) to pay the individual an Average Disability Allowance (ADA) amount.  The process of reaching agreement involves:


- the staff member and Department agreeing on how many occasions each type of allowance would be claimed by the staff member on average per fortnight of work, then,


- Calculating the total dollar ($) value of all those allowances and dividing that amount by 10 to obtain an ADA amount, then,


- Recording the above information on a suitable information sheet and retaining it attached to a signed and dated agreement (and retaining both as for wages records).


(iii)       The agreed ADA amount is to be paid fortnightly with wages for each on-duty day within each pay period. A day of leave is not an on-duty day. For example, if the staff member takes four recreation leave days and works the other days in the fortnight, he/she would be paid the ADA amount x 6 in his/her pay.


(iv)       Where such an agreement is reached, the payment of the ADA in accordance with subclause (iii) to an individual will be in full satisfaction of any claims to the specified allowances that might be brought.


(v)        The ADA amount for each individual trades staff will be derived once per year and, for new employees, after three months of employment and annually thereafter.


(vi)       The ADA amount will be automatically increased under the agreement in the same percentage and with the same effective date as for increases to the corresponding Award disability allowances.


(vii)      Neither party should unreasonably refuse to agree on a fair ADA amount. Either party to the agreement can seek a review of the ADA amount in between annual reviews if there is a substantial change to the pattern of work of the staff member.


15.       Anti-Discrimination


15.1     It is the intention of the parties bound by this award to seek to achieve the object in section 3(f) of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 to prevent and eliminate discrimination in the workplace.  This includes discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, marital status, disability, homosexuality, transgender identity, age and responsibilities as a carer.


15.2     It follows that in fulfilling their obligations under the dispute resolution procedure prescribed by this award the parties have obligations to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the operation of the provisions of this award are not directly or indirectly discriminatory in their effects.  It will be consistent with the fulfilment of these obligations for the parties to make application to vary any provision of the award which, by its terms or operation, has a direct or indirect discriminatory effect.


15.3     Under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, it is unlawful to victimise an employee because the employee has made or may make or has been involved in a complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment.


15.4     Nothing in this clause is to be taken to affect:


(a)        any conduct or act which is specifically exempted from anti-discrimination legislation;


(b)        offering or providing junior rates of pay to persons under 21 years of age;


(c)        any act or practice of a body established to propagate religion which is exempted under section 56(d) of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977;


(d)        a party to this award from pursuing matters of unlawful discrimination in any State or federal jurisdiction.


15.5     This clause does not create legal rights or obligations in addition to those imposed upon the parties by the legislation referred to in this clause.


15.6     Employers and employees may also be subject to Commonwealth anti-discrimination legislation.


15.7     Section 56(d) of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 provides:


"Nothing in the Act affects ... any other act or practice of a body established to propagate religion that conforms to the doctrines of that religion or is necessary to avoid injury to the religious susceptibilities of the adherents of that religion."


16.       Area, Incidence and Duration


This award shall apply to employees and Apprentices indicated by the trades specified in Part B of this award employed by the Department.


(i)         This award shall take effect on and from 1 July 2015 and remains in force until 30 June 2016, and rescinds and replaces the Skilled Trades Staff - Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care (State) Award 2012, published 16 November 2012 (375 I.G. 42) and all variations thereof.


17.       No Extra Claims


Other than as provided for in the Industrial Relations Act 1996 and the Industrial Relations (Public Sector Conditions of Employment) Regulation 2014, there shall be no further claims/demands or proceedings instituted before the NSW Industrial Relations Commission for extra or reduced wages, salaries, rates of pay, allowances or conditions of employment with respect to employees covered by the Award that take effect prior to 30 June 2016 by a party to this Award.




Rate of Wages and Allowances


Salary and

Classification, Wages and Allowances

1st full pay



on or after

ID Codes







Wages (excluding Apprentices)

Per annum





Bricklayer Level 1



Bricklayer Level 2 (calculate 105% of Level 1)



Bricklayer Level 3 (calculate 110% of Level 1)



Bricklayer Level 4 (calculate 115% of Level 1)



Carpenter and/or Joiner Level 1



Carpenter and/or Joiner Level 2 (calculate 105% of Level 1)



Carpenter and/or Joiner Level 3 (calculate 110% of Level 1)



Carpenter and/or Joiner Level 4 (calculate 115% of Level 1)



Painter Level 1



Painter Level 2 (calculate 105% of Level 1)



Painter Level 3 (calculate 110% of Level 1)



Painter Level 4 (calculate 115% of Level 1)



Plumber and/or Gasfitter Level 1



Plumber and/or Gasfitter Level 2 (calculate 105% of Level 1)



Plumber and/or Gasfitter Level 3 (calculate 110% of Level 1)



Plumber and/or Gasfitter Level 4 (calculate 115% of Level 1)



Electrical Fitter Level 1



Electrical Fitter Level 2 (calculate105% of Level 1)



Electrical Fitter Level 3 (calculate110% of Level 1)



Electrical Fitter Level 4 (calculate115% of Level 1)



Plant Electrician Level 1



Plant Electrician Level 2 (calculate 105% of Level 1)



Plant Electrician Level 3 (calculate 110% of Level 1)



Plant Electrician Level 4 (calculate 115% of Level 1)



Fitter Level 1



Fitter Level 2 (calculate 105% of Level 1)



Fitter Level 3 (calculate 110% of Level 1)



Fitter Level 4 (calculate 115% of Level 1)



Motor Mechanic Level 1



Motor Mechanic Level 2 (calculate 105% of Level 1)



Motor Mechanic Level 3 (calculate 110% of Level 1)



Motor Mechanic Level 4 (calculate 115% of Level 1)



Charge/Supervisor or Project Leader



Leading Hand Allowance



Leading Hand 1 to 5



Leading Hand 6 to 10



Leading Hand > 10



Tradesmen’s Licence Allowance

Per annum














Plumber and/or Gasfitter



Gasfitter and/or Drainer



Plumber and/or Drainer






Drainer (Licensed)






Tradesmen’s Registration



Plumber -Computing Quantities



Computing Quantities



Certificate Allowances



Boiler Attendants Certificate Allowance

Per Instance








Thermostatic Mixing Valve Certificate Allowance

Per annum








Apprentice Trades



1st Year



2nd Year



3rd Year



4th Year



Examination Allowance



1st Year



2nd Year



3rd Year



Industry Allowance




Per Hour








Mobility Allowance



Welding Allowance



Bricklaying > 18 kg



Confined Spaces



Height Money



Hot Places






Asbestos Eradication/Airborne Lead



Smoke Boxes A



Wet Places



Acid Furnaces, Stills



Smoke Boxes B



Clean down bricks



Spray Application



Roof Work



Explosive Power Tools



Dirty Work



Applying Obnoxious Substances







Per day





Fouled Equipment



Pneumatic Tool Operation



Relief Daily Licence Allowances



Plumber/Drainer/Gasfitter Licence









Computer Quantities






Registration Certificate




Per Instance








Tool Allowance

Per Week


Electrical Fitter/Electrical Mechanic/Plant









M. J. WALTON J , President







Printed by the authority of the Industrial Registrar.


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