Application by Australian
Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union, New South Wales Branch,
industrial organisation of employees.
(No. IRC 1921 of 2005 )
Before The Honourable
Justice Schmidt
10 June 2005
1. Delete clause
29, Redundancy, of the award published 22 August 2003 (341 I.G. 100), and
insert in lieu thereof the following:
29. Redundancy and
Technological Change
29.1 Application
29.1.1 This
clause shall apply in respect to full time and part time persons employed in
the classifications specified by Clause 3, Classification Structure.
29.1.2 In
respect to employers who employ 15 or more employees immediately prior to the
termination of employment of employees, in the terms of Clause 29.5.
29.1.3 Notwithstanding
anything contained elsewhere in this clause, this clause shall not apply to
employees with less than one year’s continuous service and the general
obligation on employers shall be no more than to give such employees an
indication of the impending redundancy at the first reasonable opportunity, and
to take such steps as may be reasonable to facilitate the obtaining by the
employees of suitable alternative employment.
29.1.4 Notwithstanding
anything contained elsewhere in this clause, this clause shall not apply where
employment is terminated as a consequence of conduct that justifies instant
dismissal, including malingering, inefficiency or neglect of duty, or in the
case of casual employees, apprentices or employees engaged for a specific
period of time or for a specified task or tasks, or where employment is
terminated due to the ordinary and customary turnover of labour.
29.2. Introduction Of
Change - Employer's Duty To Notify
29.2.1 Where
an employer has made a definite decision to introduce major changes in
production, program, organisation, structure or technology that are likely to
have significant effects on employees, the employer shall notify the employees
who may be affected by the proposed changes and the Union to which they belong.
29.2.2 "Significant
effects" include termination of employment, major changes in the
composition, operation or size of the employer's workforce or in the skills
required, the elimination or diminution of job opportunities, promotion
opportunities or job tenure, the alteration of hours of work, the need for
retraining or transfer of employees to other work or locations and the
restructuring of jobs.
Provided that where this award makes provision for
alteration, it shall be deemed not to have significant effect.
29.3 Employer's Duty
To Discuss Change
29.3.1 The
employer shall discuss with the employees affected and the Union to which they
belong, inter alia, the introduction of the changes referred to in subclause
29.1 above, the effects the changes are likely to have on employees and
measures to avert or mitigate the adverse effects of such changes on employees,
and shall give prompt consideration to matters raised by the employees and/or
the Union in relation to the changes.
29.3.2 The
discussions shall commence as early as practicable after a definite decision
has been made by the employer to make the changes referred to in subclause 29.1
of this Clause.
29.3.3 For
the purpose of such discussions, the employer shall provide to the employees
concerned and the Union to which they belong all relevant information about the
changes, including the nature of the changes proposed, the expected effects of
the changes on employees and any other matters likely to affect employees,
provided that any employer shall not be required to disclose confidential
information the disclosure of which would adversely affect the employer.
29.4 Redundancy -
Discussions Before Terminations
29.4.1 Where
an employer has made a definite decision that the employer no longer wishes the
job the employee has been doing to be done by anyone pursuant to subclause
29.1.1, and that decision may lead to the termination of employment, the
employer shall hold discussions with the employees directly affected and with
the Union to which they belong.
29.4.2 The
discussions shall take place as soon as is practicable after the employer has
made a definite decision which will invoke the provision of subclause 29.4.1
and shall cover, inter alia, any reasons for the proposed terminations,
measures to avoid or minimise the terminations and measures to mitigate any
adverse effects of any termination on the employees concerned.
29.4.3 For
the purpose of the discussion the employer shall, as soon as practicable,
provide to the employees concerned and the Union to which they belong all
relevant information about the proposed terminations, including the reasons for
the proposed terminations, the number and categories of employees likely to be
affected, and the number of employees normally employed and the period over
which the terminations are likely to be carried out. Provided that any employer shall not be required to disclose confidential
information the disclosure of which would adversely affect the employer.
29.5 Termination Of
Employment - Notice For Changes In Production, Programme, Organisation Or
This subclause sets out the notice provisions to be
applied to terminations by the employer for reasons arising from production,
program, organisation or structure, in accordance with subclause 29.1.1.
29.5.1 In
order to terminate the employment of an employee, the employer shall give to
the employee the following notice:
Period of Continuous Service
Period of Notice
Less than one year
1 week
1 year and less than 3 years
2 weeks
3 years and less than 5 years
3 weeks
5 years and over
4 weeks
29.5.2 In
addition to the notice above, employees over 45 years of age at the time of the
giving of the notice, with not less than two years' continuous service, shall
be entitled to an additional week's notice.
29.5.3 Payment
in lieu of the notice above shall be made if the appropriate notice period is
not given. Provided that employment may
be terminated by part of the period of notice specified and part payment in
lieu thereof.
29.6 Notice For
Technological Change
This subclause sets out the notice provisions to be
applied to termination by the employer for reasons arising from technology in
accordance with subclause 29.1.1 of this award:
29.6.1 In
order to terminate the employment of an employee, the employer shall give to
the employee three months' notice of termination.
29.6.2 Payment
in lieu of the notice above shall be made if the appropriate notice period is
not given. Provided that employment shall be terminated by part of the period
of notice specified and part payment in lieu thereof.
29.6.3 The
period of notice required by this subclause to be given shall be deemed to be
service with the employer for the purposes of the Long Service Leave Act
1955, the Annual Holidays Act 1944, or any Act amending or replacing
either of these Acts.
29.7 Time Off During
The Notice Period
29.7.1 During
the period of notice of termination given by the employer, an employee shall be
allowed up to one day's time off without loss of pay during each week of
notice, to a maximum of five weeks, for the purpose of seeking other
29.7.2 If
the employee has been allowed paid leave for more than one day during the notice
period for the purpose of seeking other employment the employee shall, at the
request of the employer, be required to produce proof of attendance at an
interview or the employee shall not receive payment for the time absent.
29.8 Employee
Leaving During The Notice Period
If the employment of an employee is terminated (other
than for misconduct) before the notice period expires, the employee shall be
entitled to the same benefits and payments under this Clause to which the
employee would have been entitled had the employee remained with the employer
until the expiry of such notice.
Provided that in such circumstances the employee shall not be entitled
to payment in lieu of notice.
29.9 Statement Of
The employer shall, upon receipt of a request from an
employee whose employment has been terminated, provide to the employee a
written statement specifying the period of the employee's employment and the
classification of or the type of work performed by the employee.
29.10 Notice To
Where a decision has been made to terminate employees,
the employer shall notify CentreLink thereof as soon as possible, giving
relevant information, including the number and categories of the employees
likely to be affected and the period over which the terminations are intended
to be carried out.
29.11 Centrelink
Employment Separation Certificate
The employer shall, upon receipt of a request from an
employee whose employment has been terminated, provide to the employee an
Employment Separation Certificate in the form required by CentreLink.
29.12 Transfer To
Lower-Paid Duties
Where an employee is transferred to lower-paid duties
for reasons set out in subclause 29.1, the employee shall be entitled to the
same period of notice of transfer as the employee would have been entitled to
if the employee's employment had been terminated, and the employer may, at the
employer's option, make payment in lieu thereof of an amount equal to the
difference between the former ordinary-time rate of pay and the new ordinary-time
rates for the number of weeks of notice still owing.
29.13 Severance Pay
29.13.1 Where
an employee is to be terminated pursuant to subclause 29.5, subject to further
order of the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales, the employer shall
pay the employee the following severance pay in respect of a continuous period
of service.
If an employee is under 45 years of age, the employer
shall pay in accordance with the following scale:
Years of service
Under 45 years of age Entitlement
Less than 1 year
1 year and less than 2 years
4 weeks
2 years and less than 3 years
7 weeks
3 years and less than 4 years
10 weeks
4 years and less than 5 years
12 weeks
5 years and less than 6 years
14 weeks
6 years and over
16 weeks
29.13.2 Where
an employee is 45 years old or over, the entitlement shall be in accordance
with the following scale:
Years of service
45 years of age and
over Entitlement
Less than 1 year
1 year and less than 2 years
5 weeks
2 years and less than 3 years
8.75 weeks
3 years and less than 4 years
12.5 weeks
4 years and less than 5 years
15 weeks
5 years and less than 6 years
17.5 weeks
6 years and over
20 weeks
29.13.3 "Week's
pay" means the all-purpose rate for the employee concerned at the date of termination
and shall include, in addition to the ordinary rate of pay, over award
payments, shift penalties and allowances paid pursuant to this award.
29.14 Incapacity To
Subject to an application by the employer and further
order of the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales, an employer
may pay a lesser amount (or no amount) of severance pay than that contained in
subclause 29.13 above.
The Commission shall have regard to such financial and
other resources of the employer concerned as the Commission thinks relevant,
and the probable effect of paying the amount of severance pay in subclause
29.13 of this Clause will have on the employer.
29.15 Alternative
Subject to an application by the employer and further
order of the Commission, an employer may pay a lesser amount (or no amount) of
severance pay than that contained in subclause 29.13 above if the employer
obtains acceptable alternative employment for an employee.
3. This
variation shall commence from the first full pay period on or after 10 June
Printed by
the authority of the Industrial Registrar.