Health Managers (State) Award
Application by NSW Ministry of Health.
(No. IRC 424 of 2015)
Before The Honourable Justice Walton, President
13 July 2015
Clause No. Subject Matter
6. Anti-Discrimination
8. Area,
Incidence and Duration
3. Classification
4. Conditions
of Service
1. Definitions
5. Dispute
7. No Extra
2. Salary
Table 1 - Salaries
Table 2 - Classification Levels
1. Definitions
For the purpose of this award -
"Employee" means a person performing duties as set
out in the six level classification structure in Table 2-Classification Levels,
of Part B, Monetary Rates.
"Employer" means the Secretary of the Ministry of
Health exercising the employer function on behalf of the New South Wales
Government (and includes a delegate of the Secretary).
"Health Service" means a Local Health District
constituted under section 8 of the Health Services Act 1997, a Statutory Health
Corporation constituted under section 11 of that Act, and an Affiliated Health
Organisation constituted under section 13 of that Act and the Public Health
System Support Division of the NSW Health Service.
"Hospital" means a public hospital as defined in
section 15 of the Health Services Act, 1997.
"Service" means service as an employee with the
employer both before or after the commencement of this award.
"Union" means the Health Services Union NSW.
"Weekly rates" will be ascertained by dividing an
annual amount by 52.17857 or vice versa to obtain an annual rate from a weekly
2. Salary Bands
(i) Employees
shall be paid not less than the minimum salaries shown in Table 1-Salaries, of
Part B, Monetary Rates.
(ii) Persons who
commence employment in accordance with one of the Work Level Statements will be
allocated to the level described by the Work Level Statement and paid an
initial salary equal to the minimum of the salary band for the relevant level,
provided that a higher initial salary may be offered to an individual employee
on merit.
(iii) If a global
salary movement to classifications covered by this award causes an employee to
exceed the upper limit of a salary band, the excess above such upper limits
will be paid as a personal allowance.
3. Classification
Employees shall be graded and perform the duties within a
classification level as set out in Table 2-Classification Levels, of Part B,
Monetary Rates, and paid within the appropriate salary band as set out in Table
1-Salaries, of the said Part B.
4. Conditions of
The Health Employees Conditions of Employment (State) Award,
as varied from time to time, shall apply to all persons covered by this award.
In addition, the Health Industry Status of Employment
(State) Award, shall also apply to relevant employees.
5. Dispute
The dispute resolution procedures contained in the said
Health Employees Conditions of Employment (State) Award, as varied, shall
6. Anti-Discrimination
(i) It is
intention of the parties bound by this award to seek to achieve the object in
section 3(f) of the Industrial Relations Act, 1996 to prevent and eliminate
discrimination in the workplace. This includes discrimination on the grounds of
race, sex, marital status, disability, homosexuality, transgender identity, age
and responsibilities as a carer.
(ii) It follows
that in fulfilling their obligations under the dispute resolution procedure
prescribed by this award the parties have obligations to take all reasonable
steps to ensure that the operation of the provisions of this award are not
directly or indirectly discriminatory in their effects. It will be consistent with the fulfillment of
these obligations for the parties to make application to vary any provision of
the award which, by its terms or operation, has a direct or indirect
discriminatory effect.
(iii) Under the
Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, it is unlawful to victimise an employee because
the employee has made or may make or has been involved in a complaint of
unlawful discrimination or harassment.
(iv) Nothing in
this clause is to be taken to affect:
(a) any conduct or
act which is specifically exempted from anti-discrimination legislation;
(b) offering or
providing junior rates of pay to persons under 21 years of age;
(c) any act or
practice of a body established to propagate religion which is exempted under
section 56(d) of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977;
(d) a party to
this award from pursuing matters of unlawful discrimination in any State or
Federal jurisdiction.
(v) This clause
does not create legal rights or obligations in addition to those imposed upon
the parties by the legislation referred to in this clause.
(a) Employers and employees
may also be subject to Commonwealth anti-discrimination legislation.
(b) Section 56(d)
of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 provides:
"Nothing in this Act affects ... any other act or
practice of a body established to propagate religion that conforms to the
doctrines of that religion or is necessary to avoid injury to the religious
susceptibilities of the adherents of that religion:.
7. No Extra
Other than as provided for in the Industrial Relations
Act 1996 and the Industrial Relations (Public Sector Conditions of Employment)
Regulation 2014, there shall be no further claims/demands or proceedings
instituted before the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales for
extra or reduced wages, salaries, rates of pay, allowances or conditions of
employment with respect to the employees covered by the Award that take effect
prior to 30 June 2016 by a party to this award.
8. Area,
Incidence and Duration
(i) This Award
takes effect from 1 July 2015 and shall remain in force for a period of one
(ii) This Award
rescinds and replaces the Health Managers (State) Award published 24 April 2009
(367 I.G. 1158) and all variations thereof.
(iii) This Award
shall apply to persons employed in classifications contained herein employed in
the New South Wales Health Service under section 115(1) of the Health Services
Act 1997, or their successors, assignees or transmittees, excluding the County
of Yancowinna.
Table 1 - Salaries
Rate from
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Table 2 - Classification Levels
Description of Work
Skills and
• Responsible
for managing
hospitals and other facilities that
provide basic routine and emergency
• Understanding
health care for customers which may
commitment to the Health Systems
include multiple sites and services; or
• Responsible
for providing
• Capacity
to direct all
support services for the management of
operational facets based on strategic
hospitals and other larger facilities
and business plans;
which may include multiple services and
sites; or
• Ability
to ensure budget targets
are met.
• Responsible
for providing
support for the management of human
• Capacity
to undertake
resources and/or financial and/or
performance appraisal of staff and
administrative and/or hotel and/or
ability to develop performance
clinical services for hospitals which
provide a wide range of specialised
services for customers and/or Health
• Effective
communication and
interpersonal skills.
Staff at this level are accountable for
ensuring funds are expended according
to approved budgets and for ensuring
• Assist
with the development
targets are met.
and implementation of policies,
procedures, standards and practices.
Staff are responsible to provide regular
feedback and appraisal regarding the
• Able to
meet pre-determined
performance of staff.
targets and deadlines.
Staff are responsible for maintaining
• Ability
to be flexible and adapt
effective relationships with Health
work practices to suit circumstances.
Service to ensure Health System's
priorities are met.
Staff at this level assist with the
development and implementation of
policies, procedures, standards and
practices for the hospital or Health
Staff are responsible and accountable
for providing a professional level of
services to the Hospital(s) or Health
Service or oversee the management of
aspects of services and the staff.
Description of Work
Skills and
Jobs at this level have greater
The skills and attributes at this level are
responsibilities than those at Level One
greater than those at Level One and
and are:
• Responsible
for managing
hospitals and larger facilities that
provide a wide range of health care
• High
level of leadership;
services with some sub-speciality
communication and Interpersonal skills.
services for customers which may
include multiple services and sites; or
• Capacity
to exercise creative
and entrepreneurial solutions to improve
• Responsible
for providing
productivity and effectiveness for
support services for the management of
large hospitals which include multiple
services and sites; or
• Proven
negotiation and
delegation skills.
• Responsible
for providing
support and in some cases managing
• Ability
to motivate and co-
human resource and/or financial and/or
ordinate staff.
administrative and/or hotel and/or
clinical services for hospitals which
provide a wide range of specialised
services for customers and/or Health
• Ability
to provide input,
interpret, monitor and evaluate policies,
procedures and standards for customers.
Staff at this level are accountable for
allocation and/or expenditure or
• Capacity
to design strategic
resources and ensuring targets are met.
and business objectives.
Staff are responsible for ensuring
optimal budget outcomes for their
• Ability
to develop performance
customers and communities.
Staff are responsible for providing
regular feedback and appraisals for
senior staff to improve health outcomes
for customers and for maintaining a
performance management system.
Staff are responsible for providing
support for the efficient, cost effective
and timely delivery of services.
Description of Work
Skills and
Jobs at this level have greater
The skills and attributes at this level are
responsibilities than those at Level Two
greater than those at Level Two and
and are:
• Responsible
for managing
hospitals which provide a wide range of
health care services with some
• Excellent
specialities which include multiple sites
communication and Interpersonal skills.
and services; or
• Responsible
for providing
• Highly
developed and effective
support services for the management of
management skills.
large complex hospitals or groups of
hospitals; or
• Ability
to develop, monitor and
• Responsible
for management
reach predicted outcomes to strategic
and in some cases support in human
and business plans.
resources and/or financial and/or
administrative and/or clinical services in
• Highly
developed and effective
tertiary teaching hospitals and/or Health
negotiation and delegation skills.
• Proven
capacity to manage
Staff at this level are responsible for
multi-disciplinary groups.
reviewing senior staff performances
through regular appraisal to improve
health outcomes for patients and for
maintaining a performance
• Ability
to make judgements
management system.
and have sole delegated responsibility to
approve changes in standards, practices,
Staff are responsible to maintain
policies and procedures.
effective relationships and
communication with Area Health
• Highly
developed negotiation
Service to ensure that corporate goals
and delegations skills.
and priorities of the Health System are
Staff are responsible to maintain
effective relationships and
communication with Health Services to
ensure that corporate goals and
priorities of the Health System are met.
Staff at this level are responsible for
providing timely delivery of services and
are accountable to the appropriate
Staff are responsible for contributing to
the development and implementation
of business plans.
Staff at this level are required to make
judgements and may in some cases, be
delegated responsibility to approve
changes in standard practice and
Description of Work
Skills and
Jobs at this level have greater
The skills and attributes at this level are
responsibilities than those at Level
greater than those at Level Three and
Three, are accountable through
performance agreements and are:
• System-wide
view of health
• Responsible
for managing
care provision and management to
hospitals which provide a wide range of
improve health outcomes for customers.
Specialist services for customers which
include multiple sites and services; or
• Excellent
strategic planning
and policy development skills.
• Responsible
for management
of human resource and/or financial
• Proven
management expertise
and/or administrative and/or clinical
at a senior level.
services in Health Services.
• Competent
to make complex
Staff are responsible for ensuring
judgements and take initiatives through
optimal health outcomes within budget
delegated responsibilities.
for their customers and communities.
Staff are accountable for allocating
resources and ensuring budgets are
effectively met.
Staff are responsible
for developing appropriate strategies to
manage budget changes in a timely
Staff at this level are required to make
complex judgements and make
appropriate changes in standard
practices, policies and procedures.
Staff at this level are expected to
develop/implement strategic business
plans and ensure budgets are allocated
and targets met.
Grading Characteristics, Skills and Attributes
(a) Authority
& Accountability
Freedom to operate within delegated authority,
performance agreement, and Health Service policy
Recommend service priorities
Exercise judgement within delegations
Formulate policy and deliver programs in line with
performance agreement
Involvement in the development of long-term strategies
Report directly to a member of the area executive
Budget management and responsibility for significant
budget amount
Management of complex area service or unit, requiring
specialist advice and input
Adherence to the Accounts and Audit and Determination
for Health Services and all Statutory Requirements
(b) Judgement
& Problem-Solving
Exercise judgement and problem solving in service
policy areas (e.g. Mental Health, HR)
Frequent resolution of unusual and complex problems
Develop business strategies and business plans
Develop ideas, optional action plans, courses of action
Anticipate and resolve problems in a challenging and
dynamic environment
Seek advice when there is no existing policy or
Use of evidence-based decision-making to back up
Sound ability to solve problems using innovative,
creative solutions
High level of technical expertise
Provision of high level of expert advice and sound
Independent decision-making; exercising independent
Has a sound understanding of political and cross-Health
Service issues and how they impact on the organisation
Actively develop strategic partnerships
(c) Leadership
& Management Skills
Provide leadership, management and direction
Actively contributes to shaping the organisation’s
strategic plan
Ensures that the strategic plan is outcome-focussed,
takes into account the short and
long-term priorities, and is achievable
Actively monitors progress towards the achievement of
the strategic vision
Achieve set objectives
Resolve conflict
Address and prioritise competing demands
Lead and manage organisation change on a health service(s)-wide
Build appropriate organisation values and culture
Anticipate problems and develop contingency strategies
to meet complex situations
Applies intellectual rigour to all aspects of their
(d) Personal &
Interpersonal Skills
Provide specialist advice
Lead persuade, motivate and negotiate at senior levels
Ability to deal with people at all levels
Communicate and liaise effectively at all levels within
the organisation
Spokesperson for area of responsibility (media, public)
Effective community liaison and communication
Effectively self-manages
Innovative & lateral thinker
Flexible & responsive
Supports a reflective learning/quality culture that
enables both individuals and the organisation to develop
Articulates and promotes the organisation’s vision and
Promotes an environment in which traditional ways of
thinking are challenged and debate is encouraged
Provides effective role-modelling
Celebrates achievements and encourages innovation
(e) Outcomes &
Formal personal agreement with CEO, Deputy CEO or
Service Director / General Manager (KRAs)
Significant impact on service/hospital achievements and
Formal performance agreements with direct reports
Achievement of best practice
Monitoring and compliance with all professional
Responsible for health service(s)-wide service delivery
Grading Characteristics, Skills and Attributes
(a) Authority
& Accountability
Able to make decisions assessing the ‘measured risk’
Scope to use resources to reallocate resources to meet
changing business needs prioritisation
Exercise judgement - in broad context
Accountable for policy and delivery of programs
Authorised to commit Health Service to course of action
Develop long-term strategies
Report directly to CEO or Deputy CEO, or Director
Health Service Operations
Budget management and responsibility for a very
significant and complex budget,
Responsibility for a complex inter/intra area health service
Adherence to the Accounts and Audit Determination for
Health Services and all
Statutory Requirements
(b) Judgement
& Problem-Solving
Develop organisation-wide strategic policy direction
(e.g. Mental Health, HR)
Manage the resolution of unusual and complex systemic
Define business and strategic plans based upon current
and future directions
Develop ideas and define action plans and courses of
Resolve problems in a challenging and dynamic
Use of evidence-based decision-making to back up
Demonstrated ability to anticipate and solve problems
using innovative and creative solutions
High level of technical expertise
Highly regarded as an authority and provider of sound
High level independent decision-making
Has a sound understanding of political and cross-Health
Service issues and how they impact on the organisation
Actively develops strategic partnerships
(c) Leadership & Management
Provide leadership, management and direction
Actively contributes to shaping the organisation’s
strategic plan
Ensures that the strategic plan is outcome-focussed,
takes into account the short and long-term priorities, and is achievable
Actively monitors progress towards achievement of the
strategic vision
Achieve objectives
Resolve conflict
Address and prioritise competing demands
Lead and manage complex organisational change on an
inter/intra health service(s)-wide basis
Build appropriate organisation values and culture
Anticipate problems, consider and analyse highly
complex issues, develop and implement contingency strategies
Ability to sell and successfully implement difficult
Applies intellectual rigour to all aspects of their
(d) Personal &
Interpersonal Skills
Provide expert advice
Lead, persuade, motivate, negotiate at senior levels
Ability to deal with people at all levels
Spokesperson for area of responsibility (media, public)
Effective communication and community liaison
Effectively self-manages
Innovative and lateral thinker
Flexible and responsive
Supports a reflective learning/quality culture that
enables both individuals and the organisation to develop
Articulates and promotes the organisation’s vision and
Promotes an environment in which traditional ways of
thinking are challenged and debate is encouraged
Provides effective role-modelling
Celebrates achievements and encourages innovation
(e) Outcomes &
Formal performance agreement with the CEO (KRAs)
Achievement of overall organisation targets; budget /
service delivery / quality programs
Formal performance agreements with direct reports
Achievement of best practice
Monitoring and compliance with all professional
Responsibility for Health Service(s)-wide and intra
Health Service service delivery
M. J. WALTON J , President
Printed by
the authority of the Industrial Registrar.